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Rainy Day Workout

Hello Monday! Here is your rainy day workout.


Warm Up:

50 High Knees
25 Jumping Jacks
10 Lunges with a trunk twist
10 Sun Salutations


30 Sit Ups
10 Mountain Climbers
20 Sit Ups
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Sit Ups
30 Mountain Climbers
(Do this twice if you feel like you can!)

Grab a dumbbell or weighted bag

10 Planks reaching to opposite side of body and pull the weight just outside the arm – repeat with opposite side
15 Air squats
(Do this 3-5 times)

Still using the dumbbell or weight

15 Hip Bridges
10 Left Leg Hip bridges with straight right leg
10 Right Leg Hip Bridges
(Repeat 3-5 times)

Cool Down with stretching and foam roller

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